


The purpose of this article is to analyze the network of the mechanism of reproduction of international terrorism - the phenomenon of post-truth, strongly modifies the previous interpretation of the political, ethnic, religious, cultural and social, leading to the disappearance of the former meaning when it is important that people are truthful news report or not, and his active experience, discussion. Used as a methodology content analysis of online communities has confirmed the working hypothesis that, despite absenteeism and the atomization of society in modern countries, manifested by the rapid politicization of the communities the social networks of the Internet because of the undermining of public confidence in traditional political institutions - parties and Parliament. Terrorist recruiters use this trend to their advantage, warming the emotional state of the participants of social networks and sharpening their grievances and contradictions on various grounds. According to the authors, the terrorist propaganda about brotherhood and religious cosmopolitan society the modern state can be countered only by the ideology of patriotism. With the characteristic feature of patriotism should be its bearing on national sovereignty and a functioning state. However, the authors are analyzing methodological developments in the problem of Patriotic education in modern Russia, note that most of the proposed techniques do not consider the development of a network society and borrowed from the Soviet range: lectures, discussions, class hours, competitions of the show and songs, military-Patriotic fees, etc. The work concludes that the state is not paying attention to the mechanisms of Assembly of new political identities through social networks and are not involved in elementary political education through Internet communication, will be eliminated from the virtual environment and will not be able to build an effective protection of technologies of coups in the form of “color revolutions”.


A Abramov

Moscow State Regional University


Abramov Andrey Vyacheslavovich - PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Law, Moscow State Regional University

S Fedorchenko

Moscow State Regional University


Fedorchenko Sergey Nikolaevich - PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Law, Moscow State Regional University

K Kurylev

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)


Kurylev Konstantin Petrovich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)


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版权所有 © Abramov A.V., Fedorchenko S.N., Kurylev K.P., 2017

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