


The article is analyzing problems connected with formation of anti-system terroristic underground in Saudi Arabia as a direct result of religion’s liberation from State control. The main reason for this phenomenon was political alliance, which preserved its importance until nowadays, between the dynasty, represented by ruling family Al Saud and corps of Ulama, represented by descendents of Muham-mad Ibn Abdel Wahhab - family of Al ash-Sheikh. Internal conflicts of this alliance ultimately defined the appearance of opposition, which proclaimed the basic doctrines of Wahhabi version of Hanbali Islam, in the political arena and its transformation to the main enemy of present Saudi statehood. The author highlights the main periods of confrontation between Saudi power and anti-system opposition, which is applying to religious dogmatic. He describes rebels of Ikhwans in the 1920th, the capture of Haram al Sharif in Mecca by group of Al Uteibi in November 1979, the movement of stray sect in the end of 1990th - the beginning of 2000th and the terrorist activity in Saudi Arabia in recent period, which is associated by the Saudi power with ISIS. Using the methods of systemic analysis, the author concluded that the religious element, which is the base of Saudi political system represents a factor of opposition’s argumentation to prove the power’s neglecting its duties to conserve “the purity” of religious grassroots of the society and the state. This fact is important because the process of modernization, which is taking place in Saudi Arabia, causes the fall of official Ulama’s corps authority and appearance of oppositional Ulama, which legitimize the activity of terroristic groups, creating first of all from the originals of depressive regions of the country, and are inspired by ideology of ISIS.


G Kosach

Russian State University for the Humanities


Kosach Grigory Grigor’evich - Doctor in History, Professor of the Department of Modern East, Faculty of History, Political Science and Law, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities


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