


This article focuses on important objectives and core benefits to India joining the SCO. The relevance of this study lies in the possibility of consideration of true motivations of one country wishing to become a part of the organization. The acceptance of this country as crucial brings into focus the fun-damental question about the nature of the SCO, its aims and objectives. Special attention is paid to economic factors and security issues that guided the state. One of India's major concerns are OBOR and the CPEC that forced it to change tactics of cooperation. The main attention is paid to the concept of the school of political realism. The necessity of use of this theoretical approach in this research is detected and substantiated. Тhe analysis of different factors allows making prediction on the development of relations between India and China and helps to assume what kind of conversion will take place in the organization. One of the propositions, which is key in the work is that India can’t show the policy underpinned by a spirit of rivalry or competition in the SCO even if it is a leading position.


O Kharina

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


post-graduate student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation


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