BRICS: challenges of cooperation on the African continent




The happening paradigm shift of development both the kernel of world economy, and its periphery appearing by the hostage of limitation of financial resources updates task of judgment of the happening processes, especially with participation of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) or the countries of the “big economies” which are looking for new formats of entry into worldwide policy. Also the problem of correlation of the monopolar structure of a world economic system which has arisen in the conditions of globalization of economies at the end of the 20th century with processes of forming of the new centers of world economic power is actual, including - in Africa, under the influence of an exit to the world scene of China and other countries of BRICS, disappearance of the so-called “second world”, opposition mitigation “East-West” and increase of contradictions on an axis “North-South”. The countries of Africa at the beginning of the second decade of the third millennium are more and more considerably involved in process of globalization which signs can be found everywhere on the African continent. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention on much the increased dynamics of political process, especially in North Africa where under the influence of “the Arab spring” scales and depth of the happened transformation of a socio-political context were shown, civilization breaks and perspective scenarios of development were more accurately designated. To conformably new challenges questions of regional integration have come under the spotlight in Africa, search of solutions of global problems of mankind in Africa is conducted (poverty, hunger, diseases, refugees, etc.) new formats of interaction of the states for the benefit of effective development are developed. It is possible that in so dynamic and turbulent socio-political and economic situation regional vector of interaction and interregional international cooperation (within BRICS, etc.) will become that a basis on which perspective strategy of economic development for the African countries will be created, giving it threefold measurement: global, regional and local. Studying of forming of the BRICS Agenda for Africa within activities of Merging of BRICS as instrument of really deep reorganization of a world order in line with transition to a polycentric world order, initiation of process of development of the new model of a democratic peace arrangement considering conditions of the global world of the 21st century, its multicivilization nature is almost significant.


Vladimir Yurtaev

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Moscow, Russia


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