Arabic Studies in France. Interview with Mansouria Mokhefi, Franch Institute of International Relations




“Arab Spring” has revealed shortcomings of the French school of Arabic studies and demonstrated the need for the younger generation of Arabists produce truly scientific product and not politicized research... Clearly, the logic of the Arab spring development has once again demonstrated the importance of the region for the US, Russia and European states, which have their interests in the Arab world. But it also revealed the gaps in Arab studies of different countries and the failure to comprehend the complex socioeconomic and political processes that are unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa today. At the same time, the current state of the Russian and French schools of Arab studies, which are traditionally among the most developed in the world, may be described as critical and demands drastic measures to avoid their decay. As Mansouria Mokhefi, a French expert in Arab studies, points out, the whole concept of the Middle East and North Africa studies needs to be revised, and the younger researchers have to be taught to produce a high quality scientific work.


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