SINOLOGY IN RUSSIA. Interview with Deputy Director of Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Science Vladimir Portyakov




In his interview, the famous sinologist Vladimir Portyakov talks about the achievements of Chinese Studies in Russia, the development of domestic science and main thematic trends. He points out a significant expansion of the research areas, which affects currently civilizational foundations, art, literature. He describes the most important scientific projects that currently are realized by the Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Science, including six-volume encyclopedia of the traditional culture of China, taiwanese scientists project on the Oral History of Chinese Studies, Russian archives of Chinese Studies, ten-volume Chinese history from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century, and others. The main centers for the study of China in Russia during the Soviet era (Moscow, Lenigrad and Chita) and nowadays are indicated and the trend for a significant geographic expansion of the study of China is designated. The basic modern Russian sinologists and the role of the Confucius Institute are also described. Vladimir Portyakov provides a detailed analysis of the problems and prospects of Chinese Studies in Contemporary Russia.


E Zhuravleva

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



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