The Ruling Former National Liberation Movements in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa and Challenges of National Reconciliation, Broad Participatory Democracy and Good Governance



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The concept of national reconciliation became policy strategies in political discourse in Zimbabwe and Namibia after independence and South Africa after democratisation. The objective was to avoid the civil war experienced in neighbouring Angola and Mozambique after independence. Current argument however is that reconciliation mainly harmonising relations between blacks and whites and between the new government and capital is not sufficient. It is argued that reconciliation should fundamentally extent to the formerly deprived black majority the right of access to natural resource and addresses their economic well being. Political processes and developments in these three countries also reveal that settlement compromises made at independence and new democratic dispensation predicated on liberal constitutions followed by neo-liberal economic policies are sources of enormous governance challenges facing the leadership of these countries today.

Об авторах

- Че Камати Ндали

Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Республики Намибия в Российской Федерации


Список литературы

  1. Geingob. H.G. [Quoted in Groth 1995:178] cit. in Re-examining Liberation in Namibia: Political Culture Since Independence, ed. Henning Melber, Nordiska Africainstitutet, 2003.
  2. Mugabe R. Statement at independence in 1980, address to the nation, 4 March 1980, Zimbabwe Department of Information. See also The Chronicle [Bulawayo], 18 April 1980.
  3. Nujoma S. Inaugural Statement, 21 March 1990.
  4. Mandela N. Inaugural Statement, 27 April 1994.
  5. Mbeki T. Tasks of the African Progressive Movement//The Thinker Magazine, South Africa, January 2014 // URL: htt://
  6. Asmal K. Politics in My Blood, Jacana Media, 2011. [The late K. Asmal was a prominent leader in the anti-apartheid movement; a member of the ANC and former minister in the ANC led government].
  7. Melber H. in Re-examining Liberation in Namibia, Political Culture After Independence, 2003, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2003.
  8. Public Order and Security Act [POSA] of 2002.
  9. Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, [AIPPA] of 2002.
  10. Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa: The Unfinished Business of Democratic Consolidation, ed. Henning Melber, HSRC Press [JCRS], 2003.
  11. Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, a Memorandum presented to the Zimbabwe Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on 25th February 2003.
  12. Ncube W. Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa: The Unfinished Business of Democratic Consolidation, ed. Henning Melber, HSRC Press [JCRS] 2003.
  13. Author's own witness as Ambassador to Zimbabwe.
  14. EISA Observer Report, 2008, p. 13.
  15. [http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Thabo Mbeki#Dialoguebetween Zanu-PF and MDC].
  16. Global Political Agreement [GPA] for Zimbabwe 2008.
  17. SADC Extra-Ordinary Summit, Dar-es-Salaam, 28-29 March 2007.
  18. GPA 2008
  19. EISA Observer Report, 2008 p. 13.
  20. Onlslow. S. Zimbabwe And the Political Transition, March 2001.
  21. See Global Finance, 2012.
  22. Zimbabwe GDP Annual Growth Rate, 2012.
  23. Mhofu, 3013.
  24. My Zimbabwe, 2013.
  25. Cited in Re-examining Liberation in Namibia; Political Culture Since Independence, ed. Henning Melber, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2003.
  26. Geingob H.G. in Constitutional Democracy in Namibia: A Critical Analysis After Two Decades, Macmillan Education Namibia, 2010.
  27. Re-examining Liberation in Namibia: Political Culture Since Independence, ed. Henning Melber, Nordiska Africainstitutet, 2003.
  28. Tekere E. «2Boy» Z, A Lifetime of Struggle, SAPES Books 2006.
  29. The Sunday Times. - London, Rich List, 2008.
  30. Motlanthe K. A Political Biography, by Ebrahim Harvey, Jacana Media [Pty] Ltd, 2012.

© Че Камати Ндали -., 2014

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