Идеология глобальной гегемонии США



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В основе американской политики лежит понимание национального интереса силами, находящимися у власти в США. Американская политика опирается на различные концепции национального интереса в зависимости от характера отношений, складывающихся между США, Европейским Союзом и Россией.

Об авторах

Н A Гейдаров

Российский университет дружбы народов

Российский университет дружбы народов

Список литературы

  1. Abrams E. To Fignt the Good Fight (The National Interest, Spring 2000).
  2. Bacevich A. Policing Utopia. The Military Imperatives of Globalisation (National Interest, Summer 1999).
  3. Bergsten C.F. America and Europe: Clash of the Titans? (Foreign Affairs, March/April 2002).
  4. Brooks S. and Wohlworth W. American Primacy in Perspective (Foreign Affairs, July/August 2002).
  5. Donnelly Th. The Past as Prologue: An Imperial Manual (Foreign Affairs, July/August 2002).
  6. General Graves B. Erskine. Distingueshed Lecture, Marine base at Quantico, VA February 23, 2000.
  7. Haas R. The Reluctant sheriff. N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, 1997.
  8. Kennedy P. Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. N.Y., 1987.
  9. Lieven A. The Secret Policeman's Ball: the United States, Russia and the international order after 11 September (International Affairs, v. 78, 2, 2002).
  10. Mallaby S. The Reluctant Imperialist. Terrorism, failed States, and the Case for American Empire (Foreign Affairs, March/April 2002).
  11. Mandelbaum M. The Inadequacy of American Power (Foreign Affairs, September/October 2002).
  12. Maynes Ch. W. U.S. Role in the world («Great Decisions 2000». Wash., 2001).
  13. Maynes Ch. W. U.S. Role in the world: what are the choices? («Great Decisions 2000». Wash., 2001).
  14. Parker J. Two new presidents (In: The World in 2000. The Economist Publication. London, 2001).
  15. Patrick S. More Power to You: Strategic Restraint, Democracy Promotion, and American Primacy (International Studies Review, Spring 2004).
  16. Rice C. Promoting the National Interest (Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb. 2000).
  17. Santis De H. Mutualism. An American Strategy for the Next Century (World Policy Journal, Winter 1998/99).
  18. The National Interest, Spring 2005.
  19. The Washington Post. 19 March 2005.
  20. Tucker R. Alone or With Others. The Temptations of Post-Cold War Power (Foreign Affairs, November/December 2004).
  21. Zuckerman M.A. Second American Century (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2003).

© Гейдаров Н.A., 2008

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