Special features of constructing systems for underground leaching of metals

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The relevance of the work is attributed to the possibility of engaging stocks of low-grade ores in mining, which is prevented by insufficient knowledge of the leaching process. Preparation of ores is carried out without accounting for all properties of minerals and modes of solution movement, which increases the cost of mining, increases the loss of useful components and degrades the technicaleconomic criteria. The aim of this work is to systematize the theory and practice of using leaching technology with optimization of the mineral resources utilization criterion, accumulated in the uranium-mining industry of the USSR. The article contains the description of the processes carried out in mining practice for the first time. Results. The fundamental distinction of the technology of leaching metals from ores as changing phase of metal explicitly in-situ is formulated. The features of layout design and the use of preparatory and development workings on the conditions of their reuse in the process, crushing by condition to ensure penetration of the reagent solution into the ore piece, irrigation as a process determining the economic purposefulness of the technology, collecting solutions and preventing leakage for industrial sanitation and human health are described. The features of intensification of the drill-and-blast leaching process by deformation of the volume of leachable ore with of explosive gases and stress waves are distinguished. Examples of accounting for special features of ore deposits leaching in the USSR are presented. The practice of monitoring the completeness of leaching by excavation workings on leached ore is described. A brief description of the benefits of leaching technology in cleaning up the stocks lost by the traditional technology is given. Conclusion. It is noted that underground leaching may take priority positions in mining, so development of scientific basics for its implementation is one of the most important tasks of mining production, accomplishing which affects the creation of highly productive and waste-free systems of extraction of useful minerals from the subsoil. The experience of the ISL allows to create a methodological basis for expanding the scope of metal leaching technologies. The article contains the description of the processes carried out for the first time in mining practice.

About the authors

Vladimir I Golik

North-Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State Technological University)

Author for correspondence.
Email: v.i.golik@mail.ru

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of mining Department, North Caucasus State Technological University. Research interests: environmental and resource-saving technologies of mineral deposits develop-ment

44, Nikolaev str., Vladikavkaz, 362021, Russian Federation

Yury I Razoryonov

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Email: yiri1963@mail.ru

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector of South-Russian State Polytechnic University. Research interests: environmental and resource-saving technologies of development of mineral de-posits

132, Prosveschenia str., Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, 346428, Russian Federation

Vasily I Lyashenko

Ukrainian Research and Design Insitute for Industrial Technology

Email: inform@iptzw.dp.ua

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, head of the research Department of the Ukrainian Research and Development Institute of Industrial Technology of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine. Research interests: environmental and resource-saving technologies of development of mineral de-posits

37, Boulevard Svobody str., Dnipropetrovsk region, Zhovti Vody, 52204, Ukraine


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