Assessment of digitalization of Russian enterprises in the context of the impact on labor productivity

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The rapid adoption of digital technologies by Russian enterprises has prompted researchers to investigate its effects, particularly on labor productivity. Assessing the current state of digitalization and its various aspects can provide insights into the specifics of this process within enterprises. Simultaneously evaluating digitalization and productivity can help understand how the status and characteristics of digitalization influence labor productivity. This study aimed to review existing scientific literature to identify research findings that describe the relationship between digitalization and labor productivity. Additionally, an empirical assessment of the state of digitalization and labor productivity in Russian enterprises was conducted using data from the “Эффективность.рф” platform. The research employed general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis, along with descriptive statistics. The literature review revealed four main approaches to assessing the relationship between digitalization and productivity: Evaluating objective indicators of the state and characteristics of digital infrastructure; Analyzing enterprise behavior through text analysis; Identifying digital practices within the enterprise; Gauging the opinions of participants in digitalization projects regarding goals, attitudes, and barriers to digitalization. In the empirical part of the study, the state of digitalization was assessed based on expert evaluations of 11 business processes within enterprises, considering industryspecific features. This assessment was then compared to the state of labor productivity. The results showed a low level of digitalization among the studied enterprises, an uneven distribution of digitalization across individual business processes, and an inconsistent relationship between the state of digitalization and labor productivity. These findings suggest that further research is necessary to clarify digitalization indicators, determine appropriate time intervals for assessing digitalization and performance, and better understand the relationship between digitalization and labor productivity.

About the authors

Stanislav B. Sharonov

Autonomous Noncommercial Organization “Productivity Digital Technologies”

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-4759-318X
SPIN-code: 1578-8283


11 Maly Karetny per., Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation

Tatiana A. Lapina

Omsk State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1854-8034
SPIN-code: 5109-7763

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Human Resource Management

55a Mira pr., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation


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