Existence of Weak Solution of the Aggregation Integro-Differential Equation

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In this work, we investigate the mixed problem for anisotropic integro-differential equation with variable nonlinearity indices. Using the discretization method with respect to time, we prove the existence of a weak solution in a bounded cylinder. We give an estimate of the lifetime of the solition.

About the authors

V F Vildanova

Bashkir State Pedagogical University

Email: gilvenera@mail.ru
3a Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii st., 450000 Ufa, Russia

F Kh Mukminov

Institute of Mathematics with Computer Center of the RAS; Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Email: mfkh@rambler.ru
112 Chernyshevskogo st., 450008 Ufa, Russia; 12 Karla Marksa st., 450008 Ufa, Russia


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