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Results comparison of efficiency of thermal protection of basalt fibers and gypsum polystyrene concrete. The thermal efficiency of the piping of the heating system depends on the thermal insulation. Effective heat protection to create the conditions to reduce losses of heat for heating of buildings.Thermal efficiency of protection depends on the physical properties of the material and the thickness of the insulation layer. The optimum thickness of thermal insulation is an important element in the rational use of materials and thermal energy.Thermal protection must ensure the surface of the insulation temperature of not more than 45 °C if the coolant temperature is over 100 °C. Thermal protection must ensure the surface of the insulation temperature of not more than 35 °C if the coolant has a temperature below 100 °C.Heat insulating material based on gypsum polystyrene concrete created at the RUDN University. Crushed or granulated polystyrene can be used for the production of this material. The material has a density of 300 kg/m3. Strength under axial compression is an average of 0.6 MPa. Coefficient of thermal conductivity equal to an average of 0,074 W/(m °C).Calculation and comparison of the effectiveness and cost of the thermal protection of various materials are presented. This material is more than six times less thermal insulation made of basalt fiber.The use of plaster polystyrene for thermal insulation of pipelines and equipment of calorific points to successfully solve the problem of decrease in losses of heat at operation of heating systems.

About the authors

Alexander P Svintsov

Engineering Academy Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Professor, DSc, Professor of the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

Marat T Gusamov

Engineering Academy Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


graduate student of the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

Egor E Shumilin

Engineering Academy Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


graduate student of the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering

Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198


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Copyright (c) 2017 Svintsov A.P., Gusamov M.T., Shumilin E.E.

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