On Boundedness of Maximal Operators Associated with Hypersurfaces

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In this paper, we obtain the criterion of boundedness of maximal operators associated with smooth hypersurfaces. Also we compute the exact value of the boundedness index of such operators associated with arbitrary convex analytic hypersurfaces in the case where the height of a hypersurface in the sense of A. N. Varchenko is greater than 2. Moreover, we obtain the exact value of the boundedness index for degenerated smooth hypersurfaces, i.e., for hypersurfaces satisfying conditions of the classical Hartman-Nirenberg theorem. The obtained results justify the Stein-Iosevich-Sawyer hypothesis for arbitrary convex analytic hypersurfaces as well as for smooth degenerated hypersurfaces. Also we discuss some related problems of the theory of oscillatory integrals.

About the authors

I A Ikromov

Samarkand State University

Email: ikromov1@rambler.ru

S E Usmanov

Samarkand State University

Email: usmanov-salim@mail.ru


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