Henry V Lancaster and the idea of Anglo-French Double Monarchy

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Henry V of Lancaster (1413-1422) was one of the most illustrious medieval English monarchs. His short reign was dominated by the idea of uniting England and France into so-called double monarchy, under his rule. How did Henry V envisage the supposed Anglo-French kingdom, how was this idea put into reality, what were the causes of its failure - these are the principal problems which this article deals with.

About the authors

A V Sidyaka

Russian State University for the Humanities

Email: allexx1212@yandex.ru <http://us.mc384.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=allexx1212@yandex.ru
Кафедра всеобщей историиИсторико-архивный институт; Российский государственный гуманитарный университет; Russian State University for the Humanities


Copyright (c) 2010 Сидяка А.В.

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