The role of officials policy organizing rental of sacred land in Attica (IV century B.С.)
- Authors: Bulycheva E.V.1
- Russian State University for the Humanities
- Issue: Vol 10, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 229-236
- Section: Antique world
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the question of the role of officials in the process of a lease of sacred land in Attica in the fourth century B.C, the Holy land, which was called the temenos, was received in rent, which improved the quality of its processing. The process of renting was watched by officials of the Polis - archon-basilevs, demarchos and phratriarhos, as well as representatives of religious organizations - orgeones. Officials watched the order of the organization of rent, land surveying, the process of their processing, the receipt of rental income to the insurance Treasury. They had to report on the results of their activities in a timely manner to the authorities of the policy. The people’s Assembly of the Polis together with officials took a decision on the organization of the process of renting the sacred land. All orders should be written down on a stone stele and to establish it in the center of a sanctuary on public display that testified to official character of the transaction.
About the authors
Elena Vladimirovna Bulycheva
Russian State University for the Humanities
Author for correspondence.
PhD in Historical Sciences
6 Miusskaya Sq., Moscow, 125993, RussiaReferences
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