Trajan and the revolt of Antonius Saturninus
- Authors: Parfyonov V.N.1
- Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary
- Issue: Vol 13, No 3 (2021): Ancient Greece and Rome: Politics and Economics
- Pages: 319-328
- URL:
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The article points out that the starting positions of the young native of the Spanish city of Italica were provided by his father, a prominent follower of the Flavian dynasty, who became a consul, a patrician and, yes, was awarded a rare and prestigious award-the triumphal distinctions for the governorship in Syria. The future emperor himself held the position of military tribune for an unusually long time, which provided him with a career in the professional military ( vir militaris ). However, although Trajan the younger, after the military tribunate, passed all the necessary steps of the civil magistracies, up to and including the praetura, instead of the patrician consulship, he receives the unusual appointment of commander of the legion stationed in the province of Hispania Tarraconensis. From the author’s point of view, this designation, despite its external lack of prestige, was a sign of special trust on the part of the bearer of supreme power. When a military revolt broke out on the Rhine in early 89, led by the governor of Upper Germany, Antonius Saturninus, Trajan, on the orders of the Emperor Domitian, immediately moved with his legion to campaign against the rebels. The zealous execution of the order allowed him to become one of the most trusted military leaders of Domitian. Trajan may have confirmed in the eyes of the emperor his reputation as a loyal and energetic supporter of the Flavian dynasty by taking part in punitive measures against the minuscule legions. About Trajan’s subsequent career in the surviving sources is silent, which makes it suspect that he was carrying out new government assignments of the “tyrant”. By the time of the dynastic crisis of 96-98. Trajan undoubtedly had a reputation as a recognized vir militaris , a major military and administrator.
About the authors
Victor Nikolaevich Parfyonov
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary
Author for correspondence.
doctor of historical sciences, professor. Professor of the Department of Church History
92, Michurina str., Saratov, Russian Federation, 410028References
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