The concept of “good” in the Russian and Uzbek language worldview

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In modern linguistic science, the problem of interpreting phraseological units in the linguacultural aspect, revealing national-cultural components for the transmission of linguistic and cultural pictures of the world is relevant. The study considers the concept of “good” in the Russian and Uzbek languages. In order to reveal the concept of “good” in the Russian and Uzbek linguistic pictures of the world, phraseological units of the two languages are analyzed in the linguacultural aspect, i.e. lexical, etymological analysis of dictionary entries, comparative analysis of phraseological units are carried out, examples from fiction in Russian and Uzbek are given. As a result of the analysis of phraseological units, the author forms thematic groups of the concept of “good”.

About the authors

Nasiba B. Azizova

Karshi State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8579-197X

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Educational Programs

Karshi, Republic of Uzbekistan


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