Time and Enlightenment

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The subject of the work's analysis is the phrase “Time, forward!”. It seems that, on the one hand, this statement can be given a sociological interpretation. In this case, its content is the idea of acceleration and purposefulness of the “big,” collective time, which dominates the individual and determines his life. On the other hand, referring to Hegel, one can identify the project of Enlightenment behind this phrase. It involves the movement of the spirit from a state of alienation from itself in the object's idea to itself through the achievement of autonomy in the belief of concepts tested by its reflection alone. The socially significant meaning of such a speculative thinking project is to get rid of the despotism of dominant opinions on the path of critical, dialectical, and speculative thinking.

About the authors

Maja Soboleva

Ural Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Mayya.Soboleva@aau.at

DPh., Dr. Habil., senior research fellow

19, Mira Str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation


  1. (271). Hegel to Niethammer, Nuremberg, July 5, 1816. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  2. (10). Schelling to Hegel. Tübingen, February 4, [17]95. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  3. (11). Hegel to Schelling. April 16, [17]95. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  4. (450). Hegel to Дюбоку. Берлин, April 29, 1823. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  5. (200). Hegel to Niethammer, Nuremberg, March 24, 1812. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  6. (196). Hegel to Niethammer, Nuremberg, October 10, 1811. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  7. (13). Schelling to Hegel. Tübingen, July 21, [17]95. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).
  8. (14). Hegel to Schelling. Tschugg—Erlach via Bern, August 30, [17]95. In: Hegel. Works of various years. Vol. 2. Moscow; 1971. (In Russian).

Copyright (c) 2020 Soboleva M.

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