
On application of solution continuation method with respect to the best exponential argument in solving stiff boundary value problems
Tsapko E.D., Leonov S.S., Kuznetsov E.B.
Multistage pseudo-spectral method (method of collocations) for the approximate solution of an ordinary differential equation of the first order
Lovetskiy K.P., Kulyabov D.S., Hissein A.W.
Research of Stability of Integral Variety for Perturbation of Constraints with Constant Coefficients
Gorshkov E.A.
On Solving Differential Kinematic Equations for Constrained Mechanical Systems
Beshaw A.W.
Design and Stability Analysis of NondeterministicMultidimensional Populations Dynamics Models
Demidova A.V., Druzhinina O.V., Masina O.N.
On Stability of Relative Equilibriums of a Rigid Body with a Vibrating Point of Support
Kholostova O.V.
Uniqueness and Stability of Solutions for Certain Linear Equations of the First Kind with Two Variables
Asanov A., Kadenova Z.A.
Rybakov Y.P., Sviridova O.D., Shikin G.N.
Stability of Non-Linear Vibrations of Doubly Curved Shallow Shells
Mukharlyamov R.G., Amabili M., Garziera R., Riabova K.S.
Control of Motion along a Specified Curve and Inverse Problem of Dynamics
Mukharlyamov R.G., Abramov N.V.
Program Constraints and Ensuring Stability of Movement of the Electromechanical Manipulator
Sokolov A.V.
Application of Method of Conjugate Equations to Research of Loss Stability of Shell Under the Action of Moving Loads
Kudinov A.N., Chusova E.V.
The Study of Splitting Method of Singularly Perturbed Initial Value Problems for Non-Autonomous Systems of ODE
Workneh A.Z.
On Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution to a Singular Integrodifferential Equation
Zamega E.N.
Dynamic Control of Constrained Systems and Inverse Problems of Dynamics
Mukharlyamov R.G., Gorschkov E.A.
Complexes of Localized States in Ac-Driven Nonlinear Schr¨odinger Equation and in Double Sine-Gordon Equation
Zemlyanaya E.V., Alexeeva N.V., Atanasova P.H.
Analytical Methods for Studying the Stability of Linear and Quasi-Linear Systems with Polynomial Completeness of the Periodic Matrix
Nguyen Viet Khoa -.
On Stability of Sattellite's Elliptical Orbit Motion for Cylindrical Precession of Lunar Type Resonance
Churkina T.E.
Algebraic Methods for Reducibility of Regularly Perturbed Model Linear Periodic Systems of ODE
Khoa Nguyen Viet -.
Evolutionary Optimality in Structured Systems and its Applications to Biological and Medical Problems
Razzhevaikin V.N.
0 - 0 of 36 Items > >> 

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