No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 17
- URL:

The Schur Complement and the Number of Focal Points of a Symplectic Difference System
We present new results connecting the number of focal points of a conjoined basis of а 2n × 2n symplectic difference system and the negative inertia index of the Schur complement in a symmetric matrix of the same size. The proved result makes it possible to reduce the problem of calculating of focal points for discrete symplectic systems to a saddle point spectral problem for a symmetric indefinite block matrix.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):18-23

On the Ellipticity of G-translators on Manifolds with Isolated Singularities
The paper deals with G-translators on manifolds with isolated singularities, that is translators invariant with respect to an action of a group G. We describe ellipticity condition for G-translators and prove niteness theorem when G is a finite cyclic group of prime order.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):24-33

On Simply-Open Sets
The aim of this paper is to continue study of simply-open sets, and we give some properties of simply-open sets. And we investigate the relations between simply-open sets and other forms of generalized open sets in a topological space like semi-open sets α-sets δ-sets preopen sets semi-preopen sets, and we give some properties of the class of all simply-open sets.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):34-38

The Convolution Type Equation on R in Space of Functions those are Summed with Exponential Weights. Part 2
In this paper (parts 1 and 2) the theory of one-sided invertibility of the convolution operator on R in space of functions those are summed with exponential weights is considered. In part 2 a I.A. Feldman construction providing the solution of a Fredholm problem for the considered convolution operator is contained. After the results of the invertibility (two-, left- and right-sided) of this operator are represented. The description of its defect subspaces and the constructions of its inverse operators is given.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):39-48

Analysis of Asymptotic Behavior of Reliability Properties of Redundant Systems under the Fast Recovery
In this paper we consider a redundant system with reduced reserve and investigate the rate of convergence of the distribution of its failure-free time to the exponential law under the fast recovery of its elements. The results for systems with loaded and unloaded reserve are presented as particular cases.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):49-57

Algorithm for Computing Steady-State Probabilities of the Queuing System with Hysteretic Congestion Control and Working Vacations
This paper is devoted to investigation of a SIP congestion behavior under overload. The hysteretic overload control mechanism is considered to avoid SIP server collapse and also server working vacations was taken into account. In the paper a queuing model is introduced. The algorithm for computing steady-state probabilities is derived.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):58-62

Approximation of a Universal Streaming Probability with the Normal Distribution
In this paper the model of P2P live streaming network with peer churn (peers joining and leaving) providing the closed-form expressions was developed. The approximation of a universal streaming probability with the normal (or Gaussian) distribution for large P2P live streaming networks was obtained.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):63-68

Mathematical Modeling of Thermal Restructuring of the Platinum Surface
The article presents a mathematical model of the thermal rearrangement of the platinum surface (100)Pt. Earlier, the author would developed a termogeometric mathematical model of the dynamics of finite crystal sample. Unlike previous papers, this paper presents more advanced results of computational experiment.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):69-75

The Propagation of Polarized Monochromatic Light in Periodic Media
The work is dedicated to analysis of photonic band gaps of one-dimensional photonic crystal and simulating diffraction on one-dimensional binary diffraction grating using RCWA method. The results of simulating diffraction using RCWA are compared with spectrophotometrical data.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):76-81

Human Cornea Modeling using Artificial Collagen
This article focuses on spectrophotometric analysis of thin films of synthetic collagen with subsequent use of the received data to recover the optical properties of collagen and modeling a multilayer optical structure similar to the properties of human cornea.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):82-85

Study of the System of Equations in the Model of Mining Economic Sector of Mongolia
In this paper we propose the CGE-model of economic sector. This model represents the system of differential equations. The analysis of trajectories in the points corresponding to equilibrium of investigated economic system is introduced and studied. We also try to get the dicision of the system in a some special case.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):86-91

Data Access Control Via Virtual External Model
The article discusses the problem of organizing different levels of access to data within information systems. These are based on a relational database designed to automate the management of the enterprise. Here we introduce the necessary definitions and concepts to build a model that allows us to make the mechanism of restricting access to data at the level of the relational model.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):104-111

Energy Spectrum of the Charged Scalar Particles in the G̈odel Universe
In the G̈odel Universe we considered equation of the complex massive scalar field interacting with the electromagnetic field. Since the G̈odel Universe is a simplest model of the Universe with the cosmological rotation, interest presents the study of the influence of the outer gravitational field of such model on the formation and stability of the energy spectrum of the different physical fields. In this paper we have investigated the influence of the gravitational field of the G̈odel Universe on the energy spectrum of the scalar particles.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):112-118

Machs Principle in the Hoyle-Narlikar Theory and in the Unary Relational Approach. Part 2
In view of development of unary relational approach to description of physical interactions theories of direct interparticle action are discussed, that include the Fokker-Feynman-Wheeler electrodynamics, the theory of direct interparticle gravitational interaction, and the Hoyle-Narlikar theory of gravitation. These theories have several resemblances, main of which is implication of Machs principle in them, according to which there is a relation between distribution of particles in the universe, their masses and gravitation constant. In the Hoyle-Narlikar theory and in the unary relational approach free action of a chosen particle is represented in the form of its interaction with the rest part of the whole universe. In present work correspondence between the Hoyle-Narlikar theory and the relational theory is set up, relation between their parameters is found, differences between these theories are pointed out, and relation between Machs principle and cosmological coincidences is discussed.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):119-127

Our authors
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2011;(3):128-129