A Survey on Queuing Systems with Parallel Servingof Customers
- Authors: Gorbunova AV1, Zaryadov IS2, Samouylov KE1, Sopin ES2
- Department of Applied Probability and Informatics Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Institute of Informatics Problems Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 350-362
- Section: Mathematics
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/miph/article/view/17429
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-9735-2017-25-4-350-362
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This paper is the first in a series of two articles devoted to the review of “fork-join” (inthe western classification) queuing systems or systems with the splitting of incoming queries.This system is a natural model for many other real systems. The article describes the fork-joinqueueing model construction and main characteristics of this model. Special attention is paid tomethods of analysis of the response time of the system. Since the exact expression for the meanresponse time is known only for the case of two servers, the article gives a detailed descriptionof the approach to obtaining an accurate expression of this characteristic. For the case whenthe number of servers is more than two, approximations of the mean response time are obtainedby different methods, which is explained by the complexity of the studies due to the existingdependence between the queues of subqueries due to common arrival moments. The paperpresents several methods of approximate analysis: various variants of empirical approximation,i.e. methods that refine the obtained characteristics by using the results of simulation modeling;interpolation methods using system load limit values in cases when the incoming flow and servicetime distributions are not exponential.
About the authors
A V Gorbunova
Department of Applied Probability and Informatics Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Author for correspondence.
Email: gorbunova_av@rudn.university
Gorbunova A. V. - assistant of Department of Applied Probability and Informatics of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationI S Zaryadov
Institute of Informatics Problems Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” Russian Academy of Sciences
Email: zaryadov_is@rudn.university
Zaryadov I. S. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant professor of Department of Applied Probability and Informatics of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University); Senior Researcher of Institute of Informatics Problems of Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” Russian Academy of Sciences
44-2 Vavilova St., Moscow, 119333, Russian FederationK E Samouylov
Department of Applied Probability and Informatics Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Email: samuylov_ke@rudn.university
Samouylov K. E. - professor, Doctor of Engineering Science, head of Department of Applied Probability and Informatics of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationE S Sopin
Institute of Informatics Problems Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” Russian Academy of Sciences
Email: sopin_es@rudn.university
Sopin E. S. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant professor of Department of Applied Probability and Informatics of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University); Senior Researcher of Institute of Informatics Problems of Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” Russian Academy of Sciences
44-2 Vavilova St., Moscow, 119333, Russian FederationReferences
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