
The creators of physics sought to construct it like Euclidean geometry, where a few mathematically formulated axioms, laws, opens the possibility of an unlimited number of theorems, conclusions concerning specific situations, verified by special observations, experiments. The idea of this program of cognition, not necessarily quite consciously, arose from what may be called Biblical Platonism, a synthesis of the Pythagorean-Platonism of antiquity and Biblical cosmism. Explicitly or not, this program implied the following properties of the laws, the atemporal logical structure of the universe: sufficient mathematical simplicity, universality, absolute precision, completeness and compatibility with life and thought, and anthropicity. The subsequent development of physics has demonstrated both a truly cosmic success and certain problems and limits of this paradigm. The former manifested in the universality of coverage and the fantastic accuracy of the mathematically elegant laws of matter discovered. The latter were related to the dualism of mind and matter, the enigma of the emergence and development of life, the discovery of the limits to the applicability of theories, and the forced rejection of some self-evident truths that previously seemed immutable. The article outlines approaches to the solution of these problems, which seem to be compatible with biblical Platonism.

About the authors

A. V. Burov

Author for correspondence.

L. A. Burov


I. A. Rybakova

RUDN University

6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation

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