Реализация концепции «демократия через право» в решениях судов



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В настоящей статье автор рассматривает актуальные вопросы реализации демократических принципов через решения судов, практику и проблематику.

Об авторах

Станислава Анатольевна Виноградова

Российский университет дружбы народов

Email: svppd@yandex.ru
Кафедра судебной власти, правоохранительной и правозащитной деятельности

Список литературы

  1. Зорькин В.Д., Лазарева Л.В. Комментарий к Конституции РФ. - М.: «Эксмо», 2010.
  2. Указ Президента РФ от 20.05.2011 № 657 «О мониторинге правоприменения в Российской Федерации». URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?base=LAW;n= 114147;req=doc.
  3. Opinion on the Draft Constitution of the Chechen Republic adopted by the Venice Commission at its 54th Plenary Meeting (Venice, 14-15 March 2003), CDL-AD(2003)002.
  4. Opinion on the Draft Federal Law amending the Federal Law «on General Principles governing the Organisation of Legislative (Representative) and Executive State Authorities of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation» and the Federal Law «on Fundamental Guarantees of Russian Federation Citizens’ Electoral Rights and Right to Participate in a Referendum» adopted by the Commission at its 61st Plenary session (Venice, 3-4 December 2004) CDL-AD(2004)042.
  5. Opinion on the Federal Law on the election of the Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted by the Council for Democratic Elections at its 40th meeting (Venice, 15 March 2102) and by the Venice Commission at its 90th Plenary Session (Venice, 16-17 March 2012), CDL-AD(2012)002-e.
  6. Opinion on the Federal Law on the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation adopted by the Venice Commission at its 91st Plenary Session (Venice, 15-16 June 2012), CDL-AD(2012)015-e.
  7. Opinion on the Federal Law no. 54-FZ of 19 June 2004 on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations, marches and picketing of the Russian Federation adopted by the Venice Commission at its 90th Plenary Session (Venice, 16-17 March 2012), CDL-AD(2012)007-e.
  8. Opinion on the Federal Law on Combating Extremist Activity of the Russian Federation adopted by the Venice Commission at its 91st Plenary Session (Venice, 15-16 June 2012), CDL-AD(2012)016-e.
  9. Draft opinion on the federal law on combating extremist activity of the Russian Federation, CDL(2012)011-e.
  10. Federal law No. 7-FZ of January 12,1996 on non-profit organisations of the Russian Federation as amended on 11 February 2013 CDL-REF(2013)037.

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