Reflection of Correct and Incorrect Behaviour in the Russian Paremiological World View

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We share the point of view stated and proved by the writer and philosopher Nikolay Kryshchuk: “In any society there are unwritten laws. (...). The oral, traditional arrangement on the main ideas is their cornerstone. It is known, what is good and what is bad, what is a crime or a feat, what is love and how a decent person behaves. Thus people know, how to react to the some phenomena and acts”. We’ll try to answer a question, what kind of behavior or acts, according to paremias, are considered to be standard and what are beyond good breeding, decencies, the rules accepted and, therefore, are noted as unacceptable by the Russian language consciousness.

About the authors

- Lying Yuan

St. Petersburg State University



Copyright (c) 2016 Lying Yuan -.

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