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The modern process of the mediatisation of all spheres of public life affects both the volume of speech creation and the media texts themselves. The mass character and the multi-language openness of media discourse allow us to consider winged units as a means for representing and imple- menting phraseological innovations. The role of mass media in the formation of new sustainable turns is being actively studied, which speaks of their significance in this process, since it is the media discourse that demonstrates most clearly the current usage and viability of phraseological innovations in language and speech. The media discourse has a large number of ways of influencing the mass addressee, and, as recent studies of Russian media texts show, the fund of winged units as an integral part of the phraseological corpus of the national language is widely used in it. Various phrase resources (idioms, winged expressions, paremias, aphorisms, etc.) are often used both in a strong text position - the title or ending of the publication, and in the creation of media texts connecting the verbal and visual parts in which their transformational and creative potential is most clearly realized, multiplying their linguo-pragmatic effect on the addressee. The analysis of the media content of the site “Orthodox Laughs” revealed the tendency of creative use of folklorism “Баю-баюшки-баю, не ложися на краю. Придет серенький волчок - И укусит за бочок!”, which has not yet been fixed by lexicographical practice, as well as its variants that are the result of various methods of transformation language units. Structural and semantic transformations of various categories of phraseological units are an effective means of implementing specific expression in the media text. Previously, fiction was considered the main source of winged units, today the situation is changing, and the leadership belongs to synthetic art forms (cinema, television, pop, etc.). The analyzed potential winged unit has not one source of appearance: along with Russian and German folklore, this is German literature, but the expression in the Soviet animated film “The Bremen Town Musicians” was actualized. In analyzing the publications of this site, interdisciplinary methods of studying media content were used: discursive, descriptive-analytical, linguocultural, and media linguistic. The conducted research has shown that the functioning of the considered potential winged unit and its transforms confirms the thesis that these language units are in demand and widely used in modern media texts, since they have productive mechanisms of meaning formation.

About the authors

Alexandra S. Makarova

St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University

Author for correspondence.

PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Romance Philology and Foreign Languages of the Theological Faculty of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities

Likhov per., 6, Moscow, Russia, 127051


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