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He article focuses on ten translations of Alexander Pushkin’s poem Arion into English from the point of view of the translation adequacy. The translations in question were made from 1930 to 2016. They are analyzed from the point of view of form and content. The texts in question were created both by the Russian-speaking and English-speaking translators. Most translators strive to preserve the meter, rhyme and number of lines of the source poem. In the XXIth century there is a growing tendency towards conveying the content of the poem at the expense of its original form, the translators using the artistic means, traditional for their own culture, f.eg. alliteration. Conveying the poem’s ideas constitutes a problem because of the lexical gaps between the two languages. Translators quite often choose a wrong contextual meaning. Word usage mistakes lead sometimes to comic effect.

About the authors

Maria R Nenarokova

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: maria.nenarokova@yandex.ru
Nenarokova Maria Ravil’evna, Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher of A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Interests: history of Medieval Culture, Medieval Latin literature, Medieval education; English, Danish, Russian Literature of Romanticism; Russian Orthodox Spirituality, Russian Culture of the 19th century; the language of flowers; comparative studies, translation and interpretation studies 25A, Povarskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 121069


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