
The Pivotal Role of Students in International Psychology: A Past, Present, and Future Overview
Balva D., Takooshian H.
Is Silence Golden? Chronic Stress and Psychophysiological Indicators’ Changes over Time in International Students: A Pilot Study
Muzychenko I.N., Apollonova I.A., Evans D.
Psi Chi in Global World: Vision of 9 International Chapters
Takooshian H., Nieves-Lebrón Y., Delgado-Acosta B.M., Talavera P.D., Cruz-Bermúdez N.D., Rivers A.M., Grazioso M., Mejía M., Williams D., Sooknanan G., Hosein A., Tarkhova V.S., Kardashova S.Z., Kozhukhova Y.V., Choy T.L., Danielson K., Adonis M.N., Ioannou Y., Lima E.
Acculturation Scale to Russia for Chinese Students: Development and Psychometric Verification
Novikova I.A., Novikov A.A., Shlyakhta D.A.
Building Bridges: Psi Chi and International Psychology
McCormick M.A., Takooshian H., Denmark F.L., del Pilar Grazioso M., Velayo R.S., Wang A.Y., Zlokovich M.S.
Psychological and linguistic features of the Russian language acquisition by international students
Novikova I.A., Novikov A.L., Rybakov M.A.
Acculturation Scale to Russia (ASR) for International Students: Development and Psychometric Verification
Ardila A., Maslova O.V., Novikova I.A., Shlyakhta D.A., Aguilar Y.Y.
Specifics of Relationships of Diligence Variables and Socio-Psychological Adaptation in International And Russian Students
Kameneva G.N., Rushina M.A., Anisimova U.N.
Differences in Manifestation of Adaptability in international students
Krupnov A.I., Sheptura A.V.
83rd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Novikova I.A., Chebotareva E.Y., Novikov A.L.
Tatiana G. Stefanenko’s Contribution to the Development of Ethnopsychology at RUDN University: Inspiring Leadership
Novikova I.A., Maslova O.V.
PSI CHI at PFUR: First Russian Chapter of the International Honor Society in Psychology
Takooshian H., Novikova I.A., Chebotareva E.Y.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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