
“The Law of the Politics - When Creating Something New, One Should Rely on What Has Been Achieved, Not Diminish the Old”: for the 100th Anniversary of A.M. Kovalev
Kovalenko V.I., Sobolev V.A.
Social Sciences in Armenia: Rethinking Politics and International Relations After 1991
Dunamalyan N., Elamiryan R.
Political Science in Search of New Approaches: Introducing the Issue
Mchedlova M.M.
New Reversals in the Theory and Methodology of Political Science: Introducing the Issue
Alekseeva T.A.
Political Urban and Rural Studies: Introducing the Issue
Morozova E.V., Volkova A.V.
XXI World Congress of International Political Science Association «Global Discontent. Dilemmas of Change»
Irkhin Y.V.
The Concept of Populism in Modern Anglo-Saxon and German Political Science
Meshcheryakov D.Y.
Irhin Y.V.
XXII World Congress of International Political Science Organization in Spain: “Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries”
Irhin Y.V.
Issues of Teaching Politology at Higher Educational Institutions
Medvedev N.P.
XXIII World Congress of International Political Science Association in Canada: «Challenges Of Contemporary Governance»
Irhin Y.V.
IPSA RC20 Meeting At The 12th Congress Of The French Association Of Political Science: A Brief Overview Of The Event
Batygin K.V.
IPSA RC20 Meeting at the 12th Congress of the French Association of Political Science: a Brief Overview of the Event
Batygin K.V.
System Approach: Evolution and Its Applicability in Contemporary Political Theory
Golovenkin E.N.
The State of Research of Political Culture in China
Wang Beibei -.
The Processes of Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization of Political Science in Central Asia on the Example of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Taisheva V.V.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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