
The Contradictions of the Modern Version of Russian Federalism: Instability of the System
Alekhnovich S.O., Pashenskaya R.A., Slizovsky D.E.
Thesis of the round table: «Civil society: theory and modern practice in world's and Russia's dimensions»
The Time of Troubles in Russia: from the Revolution to the Restoration
Letnyakov D.E.
Modernization vs Demodernization as Theoretical-Methodological Aspects of Transformational Process
Krotkov V.O.
Civil society and state in the age of modernization: political dimension
Gainutdinova L.A.
Gutorov V.A.
Thesis of the Round Table: «Civil Society: New Dimensions and the Political Role in the Modern World»
Asian Values: Basic Contentions And Possible Counterarguments
Batygin K.V.
Methods of Strategic Planning in Management of ModernMunicipality
Tkachenko A.E.
Bureaucracy in the Processes of Modernization: a Subject or a Barrier?
Ignatiev I.S.
Civic Initiative As a Factor Of The Improvement Of The State And Municipal Management In The Russian Federation
Yagodka N.N.
Socio-Political Transformation in Russia: Conceptual Approaches to Modernization and the Perspectives of the Religious Factor
Mchedlova M.M.
Interpretation of Communism and Post-Communist Transformations in Russia: Modern Theoretical Discussions
Gutorov V.A., Shirinyants A.A.
Features and Mechanisms for Ensuring Social and Political Stability in Contemporary Chinese Society
Sushchenko M.A.
Scientific Clusters as Components of Soft Power
Ackerman G.
Genesis and Development of Local Self-Management in Russia in Soviet Era
Popov S.I.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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