
Positive Development of Identities in the Context of Change
Turkin I.A.
The Perception of Regional History and of the Great Patriotic War by the Youth of the Kaliningrad Region in the Context of the Attitude to the Figure of Joseph Stalin
Krishtal M.I.
The Functional Role of Historical Analogies in Russian and Ukrainian Presidential Discourses on the Special Military Operation
Bekliamishev V.O.
Computer Games as a Tool for Implementation of Memory Policy (on the Example of Displaying Events of The Great Patriotic War in Video Games)
Belov S.I.
Memory of the War and War on Memory: Historical Lessons of the Past and Political Challenges of the Present. The Papers of the “Round Table” of the Lecturers and Students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Kazarinova D.B., Khlebnikov I.E., Taisheva V.V., Yagodka N.N., Dzhivanyan D.A.
Formal and Real Efficiency of Memory Policy (as Exemplified by Historical Cinematography of the Cold War Period)
Belov S.I.
DISADVANTAGES OF THE FORMATION OF THE MEMORY POLICY IN RUSSIA (the results of the generalization of expert opinions)
Belov S.I.
China’s “Gold Shield”: Monemonic Internet Practice Management Policy
Podshibyakina T.A.
1 - 8 of 8 Items

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