
Escape from Politics: Is There a Future for Youth Political Protests in Siberia and the Far East?
Kazantsev D.A.
The Image of the Future in the Subjective Space of Politics of New Citizens of the Russian Federation: Experience of Empirical Research of Youth in New Regions
Samarkina I.V., Bashmakov I.S., Kolozov D.P.
Images of “Us” and “Others” as a Factor in the Identification of Citizens in the Context of the Reintegration of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation
Evgenieva T.V., Smulkina N.V.
Protest and Trust in the Volgograd Region: Peculiarities of the Regional System of Political Communication
Pankratov S.A., Makarenko K.M.
E-government: the Introduction of Electronic State Services in the Russian Federation
Teplov A.V., Belchenko A.S., Kuzmina G.V.
Development of the Russian Model of Federalism: Relationships of Center and Regions in 2007-2016
Pochta Y.M.
Political and Psychological Characteristics of Russian Governors in the Domestic Political Science: Review of Scientific Research
Matiusova A.I.
Terrorist Threat in the Former Soviet Union in the Face of ISIL’s Defeat in Iraq and Syria
Khanaliyev N.U.
Interaction of Russia and China in the Framework of the “Silk Road”
Lysenko A.A.
Foreign Policy of The United States Against the Global Powers and Regional Actors: Case Study “Russian Federation” and “The Islamic Republic of Iran”
Hedayati Shahidani M.
The International Connections of the Regions of the Siberian Federal Okrug: Political Aspects
Dubrovina O.Y.
The Results of the Integration of the Regulatory Impact Assessment of Draft Regulations in the System of Russian Public Administration
Minaev A.V.
Evaluation of Russian Public Diplomacy Efficiency on the Background of Socio-political Tensions in Armenia
Jivanyan D.A.
Authority Relations in the Russian Federation in the Context of the Essence of the Policy of Regions
Alekhnovich S.O.
Special Features of Federal Council: From the First Convocation up to Nowdays
Ushkov A.M., Amiantov А.A.
Lysenko A.A.
Everyday Language Used by Dmitry Medvedev, the President of Russian Federation, as an Image Strategy Too
Smirnova I.S., Kovalevskaya E.V.
Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation as a Tool for Interaction Between Society and Authority: the Approaches to Appraisal of Performance Assessment’s Efficiency
Puzanova Z.V., Zakharyan D.A.
Geopolitics and Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union and Russia in the Second Half of the 20th Century
Ajrapetjan R.M.
Expanding the Borders of Moscow: an Analysis of Alternative Projects and Ways of Its Implementation
Grachev M.N., Popov S.I.
1 - 20 of 20 Items

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