The Formation of The Subculture of Poverty in Russia: Myth or Reality
- Authors: Karadje T.V1
- Moscow Pedagogical State University
- Issue: Vol 20, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 89-95
- Section: Some actual problems of political science
- URL:
- DOI:
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In the article the psychological and valued grounds of the subculture of the poor are examined. The author analyzes the experience of West-European and Russian researches in this area, and also pays special attention to pre-conditions of forming of subculture of poverty in Russian society. The author assesses the political implications of these processes.
About the authors
Tatiana V Karadje
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Author for correspondence.
PhD, full professor and head of the Department of Political Science
Vernadskogo prosp., 88, Moscow, Russia, 119571References
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