
We have developed the concept of a single and holistic reality, consisting of the interaction of realized and potential events through the spontaneous occurrence of information resonance, changing three entities at once, in six ways, but maintaining the amount of realized information. The repetition of information resonance, generating a new structure, forms a boundary for a complex system and increases memory in it. We described information resonance with a symmetry equation for three classes of dynamic variables. The repetition of information resonance satisfies the recurrent equation leading to the golden proportion. Mathematical operations already with the golden ratio made it possible to introduce algebraic fractals of the golden ratio, the properties of which satisfy the Pythagorean theorem, and on their basis to derive the natural series and Euclidean geometry, bringing science closer to understanding the physics of a living organism. Between various complex systems, their own informational, energetic and material interactions arise, leading to their natural selection for survival.

About the authors

A. S. Kharitonov

Author for correspondence.

кандидат физико-математических наук, старший научный сотрудник по экономике народного хозяйства, действительный член Академии геополитических проблем


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