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The development of the logical and mathematical foundations of quantum physics and, first of all, quantum mechanics is the work of a large team of physicists, mathematicians and philosophers who have contributed to the solution of this problem. The title of the article lists the names of four scientists who, according to the author, paved the way for the creation of quantum logic. This must be understood in such a way that from the very beginning (Heisenberg and Schrödinger) it was established that the properties of quantum objects are described not by numbers, but by operators. In the relationships of the operators themselves, one could see an analogue of Boolean algebra of classical logic. Weizsäcker raised the question of how the physical quantity of time, in describing the motion states of quantum objects, can be represented: an operator or a state vector? The author of the article shows that the development of quantum mechanics has gone through two stages. The first stage differs in that complex numbers and functions were introduced into physics, in other words, elements of the theory of functions of a complex variable. At the second stage, spinor calculus penetrated into quantum physics. If at the first stage methods were presented for describing the external degrees of freedom (motion) of elementary particles and other quantum objects, then the second stage was marked by the description of internal degrees of elementary particles. It became possible to understand that the measured mass of an electron or any other fermion is an averaged quantity, it consists of two ingredients: a positive mass and a negative mass (two values of the corresponding operator). An important role in this discovery played the operation of dialectical negation (privation), borrowed from Heidegger's fundamental ontology.

About the authors

Leonid Grigor'evich Antipenko

RAS Institute of Philosophy

Email: chistrod@yandex.ru
12/1 Goncharnaya St, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation


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