Physiological substantiation for indicators application to evaluate the young students fitness health

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To characterize fitness health, defined as the state of the physical well-being of the body, due to the functional state, physical qualities and component composition of the body, assessment methods are needed. The purpose of the study : physiological justification of the choice of indicators for assessing the fitness of students’ health. Methods: the study was conducted according to the results of preventive examinations of 303 students 18-24 years old at the Health Center, including: anthropometry, bio-impedance research and assessment of physical fitness. Results. To assess fitness health, we used an index of the component composition of the body, which characterizes the ratio of components (fat and active cell mass, water content and basic metabolism), which ensures the flow of metabolic processes, maintaining nutritional status, shaping the nature of working capacity and the adaptive potential of the body. The body composition index has the greatest correlation with the level of fitness health. Assessment of physical fitness, necessary when choosing an adequate regime of power and aerobic load, was carried out according to motor tests included in the RWD complex. Using the index method (power index, Skibinskaya index, endurance coefficient), the functional state of the basic life support systems of the body involved in the implementation of motor activity was characterized. Conclusions. The application of the studied indicators for assessing fitness health has a physiological justification and is confirmed by the correlation analysis.

About the authors

S. V. Mikhaylova

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

Author for correspondence.
Arzamas, Russian Federation


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