
Revisiting legal positivism: H. Hart’s 1958 conception of legal reasoning in the lens of G. Postema
Kasatkin S.N.
Issues of foundations and criteria of law: criticism of the theory of social rules and conventional rule of recognition in “early” R. Dworkin’s doctrine
Kasatkin S.N.
Rule of law as a political and legal ideal in the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition
Allalyev R.M.
The rule of law in the UK: essence and approaches to determination
Shevchenko M.I.
Procedural rules of law and features of their structure
Shagieva R.V.
Cherdantsev A.F. - a leading researcher of the issues of applying logic in legal science and practice
Syrykh V.M.
Nomothetae: Friedrich Hayek’s project of a constitutional reform
Raab R.S.
Independence of local self-government in conditions of unified public authority system formation
Babaeva Y.G.
Global challenge of digitalization as a condition for the development of casuistry
Dovgan K.E.
The International Security Law and Russia's National Interests Today
Chapchikov S.Y.
International Olympic Committee and its regulations in the system of international law
Dzhantaev K.M.
Limited capacity of the normative-legal regulation of social relations: theory and practice
Subochev V.V.
Judicial reform in Brazil in the context of change model state
Grebennikov V.V., Marchuk N.N.
The measures against the International Criminal Court (USA v. ICC): the perspective of International Law
Fahmy W.
Constitutional regulation of restrictions on rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the conditions of emergency mode in the national legal systems
Podmarev A.A.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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