
Some Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the War in the South Atlantic : Interview with Boris F. Martynov, Dr. of Sc. (Political Sciences), Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia, MGIMO University. Interviewed by A. A. Eremin
Martynov B.F.
Key Aspects of India’s Arms Export Policy amid Military-Industrial Complex Reform
Likhachev K.A.
A World-Famous Scholar (In Memory of Natalia Bazhanova)
Zvereva T.V.
The Eurasian Component in the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus, 1991-2021
Tsikhamirau A.V.
Israel in the Context of the “New Bipolarity”
Krylov A.V., Mikaelian A.A.
Russian Policy of Securitization in Africa: Features of Perception
Issaev L.M., Shishkina A.R., Liokumovich Y.B.
“Soft Power” as a Part of Turkish Foreign Policy in Georgia
Mamedov R.T.
Positive Peace in the Islamic Perspective of International Relations: The Case of Iran’s Foreign Policy
Ranjbar D., Chikrizova O.S.
De-stalinisation of soviet foreign policy towards Indonesia: reviewing the feasibility of the theory of foreign policy change
Dharmaputra R.
Russian Foreign Policy Regional Priorities: Economic Aspect
Andronova I.V.
The Problem of the GDR’s Foreign Policy Identity in the Context of Initiatives in Africa in the 1960s - 1980s
Ivkina N.V.
Applied Quantitative Analysis of R.T. Erdogan’s Multi-Vector Foreign Policy in 2014-2022
Vokhmintsev I.V., Guzaerov R.I.
Justice in the Process of Regional Conflict Settlement: Analysis of Russia’s Strategy, 1992-2021
Kaveshnikov N.Y.
Eurasianism, Eurasian Economic Union and Multipolarity: Assessments of Foreign Experts
Bazavluk S.V., Kurylev K.P., Savin L.V.
Comparative analysis of the Russian foreign policy priorities and research interests of the national academic community
Istomin I.A.
Soviet-American and Soviet-Chinese Relations under Y.V. Andropov: An Analysis
Li Y.
Western Balkans: External Actors Before and During the Current Crisis
Arlyapova E.S., Ponomareva E.G.
Influence of Great Britain on Turkish Policy in the Transcaucasia and the Middle East
Gasanov K.N.
The Importance of Soft Power in Türkiye’s Foreign Policy in 2002-2022
Yenokyan A.V.
Chinese Media Representation of the SCO: A Study of People’s Daily and Global Times
Krivokhizh S.V., Soboleva E.D., Melnikova E.S.
0 - 0 of 130 Items > >> 

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