
The Russian-Indian Scientific and Technological Cooperation in the First Decade of the 21st Century
Kurylev K.P., Chereshneva L.A., Starikova M.N., Belousova L.A.
The Eastern Mediterranean in UAE Foreign Policy: Goals and Principles
Tyukaeva T.I.
The Evolution of the Cooperation between South American Countries in the Amazon Basin: From the Development of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty to the Signing of the Leticia Pact for the Amazon
Nekrasov B.I.
Assessing India - United States Security Agreements: A Critical Analysis
Nisar R.D.
Relations between Russia and Brazil in BRICS from the Russian and Brazilian Researchers Point of View
Baryshev I.S.
US “Outposts” in Latin America: Military-Technical Cooperation, Military Bases and Joint Exercises
Piatakov A.N., Kodzoev M.A.
Twenty years of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP): results and prospects
Chiaka O.W.
Myanmar’s Role in China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Mosyakov D.V., Shpakovskaya M.A., Ponka T.I.
The Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way as the Foundations of a New Regionalism
Honrada G.J., Bokeriya S.A.
Tsvyk G.I.
South-South Cooperation, North-South Aid and the Prospect of International Aid Architecture
Huang M.
Snow Dragon: China’s Arctic Policy Facing New Challenges
Galimullin E.Z., Kashin V.B., Kramarenko A.S.
Chinese Media Representation of the SCO: A Study of People’s Daily and Global Times
Krivokhizh S.V., Soboleva E.D., Melnikova E.S.
Rector V.F. Stanis: On the Path of Continuity and Improvement of the Peoples’ Friendship University
Ponomarenko L.V., Lukyanova G.O.
Brazil’s New Investment Treaty Model: Why Now?
Amorim L.S., Menezes H.Z.
Actual Problems of Byelorussia and the European Union Relations
Vinogradova K.V.
Priorities of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and Azerbaijan in the Conditions of the Global Turbulence
Filkevich I.A., Mamedov Z.F., Gubadova A.A., Mamedova S.K.
Large AI Spaces and Russia’s Strategy in the Context of the “Sanctions War”
Vykhodets R.S.
The Main Priorities in Russian-German Relations 1990—2000
Konovalova O.A.
Attitudes of Labor Migrants from Central Asia to International Integration Organizations in the Post-Soviet Space
Grebenyuk A.A., Protasova V.A., Averyanov A.A.
0 - 0 of 132 Items > >> 

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