
Between Peace and Conflict: The Middle East After the Abraham Accords
Abdullayev H.P.
China and Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: From Economic Deals to Strategic Partnerships
Savicheva E.M., Brebdane A.M., Ryzhov I.V.
Israel in the Context of the “New Bipolarity”
Krylov A.V., Mikaelian A.A.
Turkish-Israeli Relations: Partnership, Problems, Perspectives
Shakovskaya M.A., Barnashov O.V., Malakhovsky A.K., Danilov V.A.
Influence of Great Britain on Turkish Policy in the Transcaucasia and the Middle East
Gasanov K.N.
Middle East Policy of France under François Hollande (2012-2014)
Punavia I., Petrovich-Belkin O.K.
US Leverage Tools in Iran in 1950s - 1960s
Iskandaryan G.M.
Turkish Vector of German Policy in the Middle East
Dvoryadkina A.A., Chernenko E.F.
The Problem of the “Shiʻa Crescent” in the Middle East: A Quantitative Analysis
Chikrizova O.S., Ivkina N.V.
Khannanova G.A.
Algeria - Russia Relations: Strategic Partnership in the Age of Geopolitics
Sour L.
Digital Challenge for the Arab World: Integration or Differentiation Factor?
Valiakhmetova G.N., Tsukanov L.V.
Construction of Nuclear Power Plants in the Middle East with the Participation of Russian Companies in the Context of Improving the Region’s Energy Security
Anikeev V.V., Bazavluk S.V.
Regional integration of developing countries. Interview with Amr Moussa, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States (2001-2011)
Savicheva E.M.
Russian Tradition of Arabic Studies. Interview with Isaev V.A., Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Science
Tyukaeva T.I.
On Geopolitical Situation in the Middle East: Interaction between Regional and Global Trends
Savicheva E.M.
USA Policy in the Middle East during George Bush
Tarbaev S.A.
Maghreb 2021: Political Development Impasses and Threats to the Subregional System
Kuznetsov V.A., Vasilenko A.I.
International Actors’ Role in the Syrian Crisis. Interview with Nourhan El Sheikh, Professor of International Relations, Cairo University, Member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs
Historiography of the relations between Russia and the Arab world (Yemen, Syria, Tunisia)
Shishkina A.R., Fedotova V.A.
0 - 0 of 55 Items > >> 

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