
Ponka T.I., Belchenko A.S., Trusova A.A.
China in D. Trump’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy
Leksyutina Y.V.
Soviet-American and Soviet-Chinese Relations under Y.V. Andropov: An Analysis
Li Y.
Great Powers Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific Region and Its Impact on Vietnam’s Strategy
Nguyen S.T.
Strategies for Digital Development of Key States of the Global South in the Context of U.S.-Chinese Technological Rivalry
Stoletov O.V.
Forming of the Image of China in Africa at the Beginning of the XXI Century
Shtina Y.V.
Snow Dragon: China’s Arctic Policy Facing New Challenges
Galimullin E.Z., Kashin V.B., Kramarenko A.S.
The Strategic Role of Iran for the SCO: Strengthening Eurasian Integration
Karami J.
China and Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: From Economic Deals to Strategic Partnerships
Savicheva E.M., Brebdane A.M., Ryzhov I.V.
A World-Famous Scholar (In Memory of Natalia Bazhanova)
Zvereva T.V.
Projecting ‘Hybrid Warfare’: Western Discursive Representation of Chinese Foreign Policy
Simons G., Manoilo A.V., Goncharenko A.R.
Role of Military Diplomacy in the PRC’s Foreign Policy in the South China Sea
Mosyakov D.V., Shpakovskaya M.A., Ponka T.I.
Eurasianism as a Non-Western Episteme for Russian Humanities: Interview with Alexander G. Dugin, Dr. of Sc. (Political Sciences, Social Sciences), Professor, Leader of the International Eurasian Movement. Interviewed by M.A. Barannik
Dugin A.G.
The United States - China Rivalry and the BRI
Blanchard J.F.
SINOLOGY IN RUSSIA. Interview with Deputy Director of Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Science Vladimir Portyakov
Zhuravleva E.V.
China’s Geoeconomic Strategy in the Context of the “Awakening” of the Global South
Stoletov O.V.
Latin America in/and the AIIB: A Constructivist Analysis
Turzi M., Mendez Á.
Eurasian Connectivity: Interests of Regional and Great Powers
Khan S.
Transboundary Interactions Between Afghanistan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization After the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Rauf S.
Dynamics and Prospects for China - Latin America Relations from the Perspective of Latin American Scholars
Bernal-Meza R.
0 - 0 of 115 Items > >> 

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