
Digital transformation of the university library in the context of information abundance
Lotova E.Y.
Formation of digital communication in the organizational and pedagogical activity of the university
Zotova A.S.
Special aspects of enrolment onto the training according to the educational programs of higher education in the sphere of the information technologies
Komelina E.V.
Formation of digital literacy components of future teachers in the course of studying the university-wide discipline “Digital Technologies in Education”
Isupova N.I., Suvorova T.N.
Evaluation of digital competence level among educators: assessment tools
Osipovskaya E.A., Dmitrieva S.Y., Savelyeva A.A.
The formation of foreign language competence of future teachers when working with flash cards
Nikulina E.G., Starkova E.K., Ryabchikova V.G., Sergeeva N.A.
The impact of the mobile applications usage on the quality of tourism specialists training
Gribkov D.N., Dengina M.R., Matveev V.V., Masharova T.V.
A model of digital transformation of the learning process in higher education
Ivanova O.V.
International practices of professional retraining system for teachers in the context of digitalization of pedagogical education
Suvirova A.Y., Lesin S.M., Sheveleva N.N., Antonov N.V.
Development of digital competence of university teachers and teaching staff
Eltemerov A.A.
Application of information technologies as a significant factor in the formation of conceptual thinking of schoolchildren
Shamkut V.L.
Mechanisms for managing the processes of digital transformation of the school: development of digital competencies of teachers
Khochenkova T.E.
Analysis of the development efficiency of the Moscow Electronic School resources by future computer science teachers on the basis of practical training sites
Sadykova A.R., Levchenko I.V., Kartashova L.I.
Use of digital technologies in innovative educational environment (on the example of the mobile application Lecture Racing)
Tsarapkina Y.M., Gadzimetova B.D.
Directive, formal and productive introduction of digital educational and methodical materials
Vodopyan G.M.
A software for propaedeutic training to teach multimedia technologies at primary school
Krylova S.P.
Interactivity in the language online classroom: from the index of system intelligence to the systemic changes in education
Galchuk L.M.
System and activity approach to learning artificial intelligence in basic school
Levchenko I.V., Sadykova A.R.
1 - 18 of 18 Items

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