Social dimension of students’ problems under the development of the contemporary university infrastructure

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Improving the quality of students’ life is an important task for every university and the educational system as a whole, which fits into the aims of the studies of the social dimension of students’ life. To solve this task, the study of students’ problems is a priority, while the second step can be the creation of university structures that would solve these problems effectively. The article presents an ideal model of the consulting center that can solve such problems. The authors conducted four focus groups in the RUDN University with students of different courses from different countries, and used projective techniques and group discussions to identify models of the consulting center, departments that it should consist of, and qualities of employees working in these departments. The general model of the consulting center includes an information department as its ‘core’ responsible for the distribution of students’ requests to necessary departments; IT department (site, corporate mail, etc.); department of social support (scholarships, financial support, etc.); residence department (registration, dormitory, etc.); department of science and education (grants, competitions, etc.); student committee (leisure). The students prefer to receive all necessary information online, by phone and also in person. The preferred social network for information is Facebook - for foreigners - and VK (Vkontakte) - for Russian students. The students also mentioned three main languages for distribution of information - Russian, English and Chinese. The focus-groups allowed to find out that although some necessary units designed to solve students’ problems already exist, they do not actually solve them due to bureaucratic or other reasons. Therefore, the proposed model of the consulting center can be an effective management solution ‘from the bottom’ that would help the university to communicate with students and to understand their real needs.

About the authors

Zh V Puzanova

RUDN University (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)

Author for correspondence.

доктор социологических наук, профессор кафедры социологии, заведующая Социологической лабораторией

Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

T I Larina

RUDN University (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)


кандидат социологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры социологии

Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198


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Copyright (c) 2019 Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I.

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