The state and dynamics of the Russian mass consciousness and behavioral practices under the covid-19 pandemic

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The expansion of the covid-19 has created a new pandemic social reality. In fact, for the first time in modern history, mankind faces a global crisis determined not by geopolitical or economic challenges but by a disease which spreads in most countries and all continents as a pandemic, which affects the current social-economic processes and development forecasts, reveals and intensifies the most acute social problems, and significantly transformed the functioning of the contemporary society. The pandemic was a complete surprise for the world and national communities - a surprise not so much medical or epidemiological as social. Already at the beginning of the pandemic, there was an opposition of two approaches to its probable social consequences. Some experts believed that it would change the society radically and irreversibly, would transform social institutions and change everyday life, and “the world will never be the same”. Others argued that the new social practices would not affect the deepest foundations of the established social order which would be later restored in its pre-coronavirus form [10]. However, it is obvious that the global and extraordinary social upheavals caused by the pandemic would have large-scale social consequences that need to be described and analyzed, in particular the impact of the coronavirus on the most important spheres and aspects of life as assessed by the people. The article is based on the results of the all-Russian sociological study and presents a comprehensive analysis of the Russian life under the pandemic. The authors provide data on the dynamics of material and social situation of Russians, explain the impact of the pandemic on the social-psychological well-being, public mentality and spiritual atmosphere. The authors pay particular attention to the behavioral practices of different groups of the Russian population according to their adaptation to new social-economic conditions, preservation and development of human potential, and view of the country’s future.

About the authors

M. K. Gorshkov

Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of RAS

Author for correspondence.

доктор философских наук, академик РАН, директор Института социологии, научный руководитель

Krzhizhanovskogo St., 24/35-5, Moscow, 117218, Russia

I. O. Tyurina

Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of RAS


кандидат социологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института социологии

Krzhizhanovskogo St., 24/35-5, Moscow, 117218, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2021 Gorshkov M.K., Tyurina I.O.

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