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The development of science-intensive technologies is crucial for the social and economic stability of the nation. The current technological system calls for a unification of scientific and technological approaches in the innovation-driven development. The introduction of innovations is necessary for moderni-zation of the national economy and for making Russian companies more efficient. Without the constant development of science and education, there is a threat of social and cultural stagnation; while the world trend of changing and improving the production involves the emergence of new formats of economic interac-tion in which the science-intensive and convergent technologies play the key role. The science-intensive development requires the full-fledged institutional interaction, the joint activity of stakeholders, i.e. the devel-opment of special territories where economic, infrastructural and social-cultural conditions allow the intro-duction of new technologies. Technoparks represent one of the most popular formats of such territories. Today the Russian Federation has several technoparks. However, their work is not always satisfactory and needs optimization, especially for the greater efficiency of the science-intensive technologies. To identify the most effective ways of upgrading the Russian technoparks, the authors studied the experience of 12 most successful technoparks abroad, and make recommendations for improving the management system of tech-noparks and enhancing their scientific and innovative activities. The article describes the features of sci-ence-intensive technologies; the challenges the innovative organizations face; the role of technoparks in ensuring the growth of the innovative potential of the state; the formats and structure of technoparks as well as the recommendations for making them more effective in developing science-intensive technolo-gies. The article also presents the results of the studies of the Russian technoparks over the last ten years. The authors try to identify the main methods for optimization and modernization of technoparks to increase their role in the innovation-driven development of the state.

About the authors

I O Tyurina

Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Krzhizhanovskogo St., 24/35-5, 117218, Moscow, Russia

A V Neverov

RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)

Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198, Moscow, Russia

M A Ulyanychev

RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)

y (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia) Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2017 Tyurina I.O., Neverov A.V., Ulyanychev M.A.

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