No 4 (2010)


Making up a word list for a frame learner's dictionary

Kuznetsova L.I.


The paper researches methods of making up a word list for a Frame Learner's Dictionary, principles of selecting frames and word units to fill in the slots in the frame entry.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):5-12
pages 5-12 views

On complex method of analysing an indexal image

Romanenko V.A.


The article describes the main principles of analyzing an indexal image based on the metonymy.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Phytonimic comparisons as the means of creating images in the art prose of Y.I. Nosov

Dyachenko Y.A.


The article researches the meaning of comparative constructions in the art prose of a Kursk writer Y.I. Nosov. The subjects of these constructions, i.e. objects with which the comparison is made, are phytonimik names.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):18-23
pages 18-23 views

Definite personal sentences in russian diplomatic texts of the period of Crimean war

Ramazanova S.I.


The article considers Russian syntax in diplomatic texts of the period of Crimean War.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):24-28
pages 24-28 views

The criteria of textual activity technology acquirement

Karikh T.V.


The article deals with criteria of textual activity technology acquirement. The author prefers linguistic (semio-)social psychology as a method of analysis and presents a culturally conditioned scenario on the basis of textual activity frame.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):29-39
pages 29-39 views

The semantic weight of lexical meanings of ornithonims in the russian and german languages

Amelina (Trizna) L.V.


This research was conducted with the aim of revealing and comparing semantic structures of the meanings of ornithonims in the Russian and German languages. We examine the semantic weight of lexical meanings of ornithonims with the help of definition analysis of the most well-known Russian and German dictionaries.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):40-44
pages 40-44 views

The unofficial Ekaterinburg urbanonimes as an element of linguistic and cultural competence of a foreign student

Klimenko E.N.


The article describes unofficial city names of Yekaterinburg which present a special name layer of colloquial language. We consider this name layer as an element of linguistic and cultural competence of a foreign student.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):45-53
pages 45-53 views

Studying arabian word stress while teaching russian pronunciation to arabic-speaking students

Naumenko Y.M.


While training Russian pronunciation it is necessary to consider interference of pupils' native language (in particular, Arabic). In this connection typological studying of the word stress in the Arabic language is obviously important. Results of such research will allow to carry out theoretically sustained analysis of real accent mistakes in the Russian speech of Arabic students.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):54-60
pages 54-60 views

The figural culture code in the texts of russian folk tales

Skomarovskaya A.A.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the main mythopoetical figural constants that function in the texts of Russian folk tales.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):61-67
pages 61-67 views

The ukrainian and russian languages today: confrontation or cooperation?

Vodopianova K.M.


The question of the Ukrainian and Russian languages status in the state and educational system of the Ukraine is being considered in the article.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):68-71
pages 68-71 views

The 2nd Congress of Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literaterature has finished

Voznesenskaya I.M., Popova T.I.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):72-74
pages 72-74 views

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Russian Language Studies. 2010;(4):75-75
pages 75-75 views

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