Discourse ethics as a foundation for development of thespeech personality of a future teacher


The relevance of this article is in the approach to addressing the philosophical issue of discourse ethics from the perspective of communicative development and the personality development of the future education professional. The authors emphasized the communicative and ethical part of the interaction between partners. The study presented in the article has following objectives: to clarify the relation between the philosophical definition of “discourse ethics” and the field of pedagogical speech studies and to define the specificities of discourse ethics in pedagogical communication; to justify the significance of the communicative category of “speech act” in the discourse ethics of pedagogical interaction and to present the main features that distinguish the speech act from the speech activity; to identify and describe the specificity of discourse ethics in case of inquiry based learning; to characterize the speech personality of the teacher (academic advisor) primarily through the aspect of the moral and ethical norms of the academic culture, which he exercises. The study used the following theoretical methods: examination, analysis and comparative analysis of philosophical, culturological, psychological-pedagogical, speech-study, and methodical literature, language-semantic analysis of speech terms, as well as diagnostic methods: interview and questionnaire of teachers, schoolchildren, students; conversations (recorded) with teachers (academic advisors) and students-researchers; analysis of oral and written texts created by the subjects of inquiry based learning; analysis of the expert protocols of the school scientific and practical conferences; examination and summary of pedagogical experience. As a result of the study, the authors conclude, that in the course of pedagogical interaction the discourse ethics requires the participants to observe ethical, communicative and moral standards and to aim at creating an ideal language and speech situation, which the teacher and his speech acts ultimately broadcasts. The article introduces the main features that distinguish speech act from the speech action and justifies the importance of the “speech act” communicative category in discourse ethics. As a result of the review of the discourse ethics in the dimension of inquiry based learning the definition of the concept of “academic culture” is specified with regard to school academic discourse; the definition is given to the cultural and speech environment, essential for the formation and development of the moral and value component of the speech personality of the subject of the inquiry based learning; the most important techniques and methods for enculturation of the subjects of inquiry based learning are described; the three-tier model of the teacher’s (academic advisor’s) speech personality is presented. The authors note the importance of the stated problem in connection with the expansion of cross-cultural contacts and underline the significance of the theory of discourse ethics and its implementation at all its levels, which have an important influence on the communicative and moral development of future education professionals.

About the authors

Zoya I Kurtseva

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: zikurts@gmail.com

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Department of rhetoric and culture of speech, Moscow state university of education. Research interests: speech culture of a person, culture of speech, speech act of a person, rhetoric and etic, pedagogical rhetoric, methods of teaching rhetoric, problems of continuous rhetorical education (preschool education - elementary school - secondary school - high school - university - post graduation education). Author of more than 150 scientific publications

M. Pirogovskaya str., 1/1, Moscow, Russia, 119991

Elena L Erokhina

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Email: lenusha@rambler.ru

Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor of the department of rhetoric and speech culture of MSPU. Research interests: rhetoric, pedagogical rhetoric, communication theory, theory and methodology of teaching rhetoric, theory and methodology of teaching Russian, education philosophy. Author of more than 100 scientific publications.

M. Pirogovskaya str., 1/1, Moscow, Russia, 119991


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