Social and political life of Ingush emigrants in Europe (1920-1940)

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In the 20th century there were several emigration flows of the Ingush to Europe. The first mass emigration took place in the post-revolutionary period. After 1917, the centres of the social, political and cultural activities of the Ingush Diaspora were Paris, Berlin, Prague and Warsaw. In that period, most Ingush emigrants belonged to the military, political and scientific-cultural elite, which explains the high level of the social and cultural values created by them in foreign countries. It is the social and political life and the spiritual heritage of the Ingush emigrants, being abroad for certain reasons in different historical periods, which is a very interesting subject for research. The article analyzes the process of theformationoftheinstitutionalbasisoftheIngushpost-revolutionarycommunityinEurope. There is shown the role of public figures, in particular S. Malsagov and the Dzhabagiev brothers, who made a significant contribution to the development of the Ingush spiritual culture and science. The author notes that the most visible in the public and political life of the North Caucasian post-revolutionary community in Europe were the activities of the organizations and movements, which sympathized with the ideas of the Caucasus independence. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the socio-political associations of the North Caucasian emigrants in Western Europe played a significant role in the socio-cultural adaptation of national communities of peoples of the North Caucasus abroad. Although the process of the social and cultural integration was rather difficult and long, the Ingush Diaspora preserved its national identity. The article is based on the memoirs, emigrant periodicals and electronic publications devoted to the problems of the political-legal and socio-cultural adaptation of the Ingush immigrants in Europe. In order to analyze the history of the Ingush emigrants, there are also presented unpublished documents stored in the Russian state archive of literature and art (RGALI).

About the authors

Akhmed K Chapanov

Russian State University for the Humanities

Author for correspondence.

выпускник кафедры всеобщей истории Ингушского государственного университета, кандидат политических наук (МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, 2017). Старший преподаватель кафедры истории и организации архивного дела Историкоархивного института РГГУ

6 Miusscay square, Moscow, 125993, Russia


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