No 1 (2013)


Serf Thinking of Russian Post-Reform Society and Leveling and Reefficient Community (to Problem Statement)

Davidov M.A.


The article attempt to answer a question why the post reform country community enjoyed solidary support of various and besides public forces hostile each other is made. The author considers that in a basis of this phenomenon the not overcome serf consciousness of the Russian society lay.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):5-19
pages 5-19 views

The Anti-Russian Strategy of Germany in the Caucasus in the Years of World War I

Barinov I.I.


The article is devoted to the study and critical analysis of the strategic plans of Germany against Russia in the Caucasus region during the I World War. The paper aims to identify the basic characteristics of German strategy and the reasons for its failure. It is also possible to trace the specific relationship of social and national conflicts in the Caucasus of early 20 th century.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):20-31
pages 20-31 views

The Unarmed Armed Uprising: The Production of the Rifles by Izhevsk Factories during the Anti-Bolshevik Revolt

Renev E.G.


Using unknown documents the author of the article proves that during the Izevsk Anti–Bolsheviks revolt the factories of rebellion had serious troubles in production theirs main products – the rifles. This conclusion refutes the point of view of the modern historiography about good position with weapons in the armies of revolt.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):32-48
pages 32-48 views

Divorces in the Russian Peasant Family: Traditions and the Realities of Post-Reform Period: Gender Dimension

Mukhina Z.Z.


The paper considers the problem of divorce among the peasants in the second half of 19 – early 20 century. Particular attention is paid to historical and ethnographic data collected by the informants of the Ethnographic Bureau of Prince V.N. Tenishev, revealing statistics of divorce, description and analysis of the causes of divorce, views on divorce in peasant legal consciousness, the interpretation of the phenomenon in terms of gender-based approach to family history.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):49-63
pages 49-63 views

Position of the Russian Prisoners of War in the Years of World War I: Sketch of Daily Reality

Seniavskaya E.S.


In the article on the basis of archival documents daily occurrence of military captivity of soldiers and officers of the Russian army in the years of World War I – from the capture moment in the battlefield to conditions of the maintenance in camps reveals. The measures taken by the military country leaders for prevention of voluntary mass delivery in captivity are considered. The policy of official structures and departments concerning military captivity, their relation to attempts of public organizations to assist the compatriots who have got to trouble is shown.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):64-83
pages 64-83 views

The USSR State Policy in the Sphere of Solving the Problems of Staff in Children's Homes in 1930s

Karaseva A.A.


The article considers the evolution of the state policy on personnel matters in children's homes in 1930s, as well as the main directions – training, measures to attract and retain personnel. This theme is revealed in the context of the campaign against child homelessness.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):84-95
pages 84-95 views

Ethnic Contacts People of Siberia and China in Ancient Times

Barinova E.B.


Ethnic contacts between the peoples of China and Siberia had an impact on the formation of cultural characteristics of these regions since ancient times. Involvement of anthropological and linguistic data allows us to determine the role of Mongolian, Chinese, Turkic, Tungusic, and other peoples in the formation of the ethnic composition of the population, the penetration of various racial components, the nature of mixing, grinding and interaction in different historical periods.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):96-110
pages 96-110 views

The Official Device and Prize System of the East Georgian Kingdom according to the Project of Tsarevitch Joann Geogriyevich Bagrationi (Late 18 th Century)

Dzhavakhishvili N.G.


Article contains attempt to analyze the project of tsarevitch Joahn Georgiyevich Bagrationi (1768–1830) of formations of the officialdom and national awards` system of the East Georgian (Kartliysko-Kakhetinsky) kingdom. The part of considerable positions existed in Georgia since the most ancient times, other part was offered by John Bagrationi. He paid special attention to idea of establishment of national awards, including with religious semantics. Bagrationi relied on experience of other countries, including the Russian Empire.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):111-123
pages 111-123 views

«Ukraine–Rus», Finno-Ugric Colonies and Belarusian National Customs: Sovereignty Justification in Official Textbooks on a National History of Ukraine and Belarus

Kerov V.V.


Article contains the analysis of the latest official textbooks on a national history of Ukraine and Belarus. Textbooks are considered in the light of problems of justification of the national sovereignty, facing historians of the states formed after disintegration of the USSR. The comparative analysis allowed to reveal two types of such justification: anti-Russian and not having confrontational tendencies. Thus, both types showed the efficiency.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):124-132
pages 124-132 views
pages 133-138 views
pages 139-144 views

Dissertation Council D212.203.03 of Peoples` Friendship University of Russia in the 2 nd half of 2012

Koz'menko V.M., Kryazheva-Kartseva E.V.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):145-147
pages 145-147 views

Model of Service to Science (90 th Anniversary of Anatoliy Protopopov)

Bokeriya S.A.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):148-150
pages 148-150 views

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RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(1):151-152
pages 151-152 views

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