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The effectiveness of the activities of public authorities directly depends on the level of qualifications of their personnel, the ability and willingness of employees to resolve complex problems in the dynamically developing and more complicated conditions of reforming the system and the methods of public administration. One of these areas of reform has been the intensive introduction of project management techniques in activity of executive bodies. The implementation of the project approach has to provide maximum economic efficiency and positive social impact in conditions of limited resources, to allow to effectively manage priorities and changes in the activities of state bodies. The implementation of project management techniques in executive bodies is accompanied by a sufficiently extensive set of legal and methodical documentation, taking into account the superstructure in the form of international standards, and these documents together set a rather high “bar” in relation to the qualifications of civil servants in the scientific methodology of project activities, legal and applied competence in matters of project management. In this connection, the issue of optimization of the system of qualification requirements for civil service positions is becoming topical.

About the authors

Kamil Najmutdinovich Ramazanov

Povolzhsky institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, RANEPA

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration of the Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after Р.А. Stolypin, RANEPA

410012, Russia, Saratov, Sobornaya str., 23/25


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Copyright (c) 2018 Ramazanov K.N.

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