Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Translingual Writers: Comparative analysis

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The present research is conducted within the frameworks of language contacts theory, intercultural communication theory, text linguistics and linguacontactology. Creative translingualism is the object of the research. Linguacreative characteristics of translingual fiction are the subject of the research. Fiction written by Russian and Chinese authors in English (Olga Grushin, Irina Reyn, Lara Vapnyar, Anya Ulinich, Gish Jen, Ha Jin, Amy Tan, Jade Snow Wong, Frank Chin, etc.) has served as the material for the analysis. Within the scope of the present research the similarities and differences of linguacreativity in the fiction written by authors belonging to unrelated linguacultures were determined. The range of native culture description means used by translingual writers is very diverse: loan-words, code switching and code mixing, native literature and songs allusions, contaminated speech, usage of English lexical units to transmit significant for native culture events (by attributing culturally specific meanings).

About the authors

Ekaterina S. Lebedeva

Moscow State University of Lomonosov

Author for correspondence.

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Department of Foreign Languages Theory, Moscow State University of Lomonosov

31/1 , Moscow, 119192, Russian Federation

Tatyana A. Lupacheva

Far Eastern Federal University


Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia

8 , Vladivostok, 690091, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Lebedeva E.S., Lupacheva T.A.

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